Site updated 2/21/2025 9:00 AM EST2
Global Benchrest Association
Join us and have fun shooting with good people !
Global Benchrest Association
Join us and have fun shooting with good people !
Site updated 2/21/2025 9:00 AM EST2
Join us and have fun shooting with good people !
Join us and have fun shooting with good people !
We are working to make this a user friendly site, easy to negotiate.
Check out the NEWS page for the latest GBA information.
Shooting should be fun. You should expect a friendly and welcoming crowd at every club and every match. New shooters should not just be welcomed, but should be actively helped by other shooters to make sure they have a good time.
Your Benchrest Association should be focused on earning and maintaining the good will of all shooters. Your Benchrest Association and its members should never badmouth other members or clubs. Your Benchrest Association should represent all clubs equally. And the actions of the Association Board should be transparent to all members.
This is why we formed the Global Benchrest Association.
We are organized so that each Club has one person on the Board of Directors. Each Board Member represents his Club and is accountable to his Club Members. The Board elects a Chairman every two years from its ranks. There are no other officers. And no committees. For issues that come before the Board that only affect one benchrest discipline, only those Board Members whose Clubs host matches in that discipline vote.
The Board appoints a few members to fill key roles such as Secretary/Treasurer, Web Site Administrator, Awards and Prizes Administration, and Records Administrator. These are not Board positions or officers, and these members do not vote on Board issues.
With this simple organizational structure, we expect to avoid the problems we have seen with other Benchrest Associations.
Transparency and accountability are powerful tools to make this happen.
Simply put, we are all shooting and competing because we have a passion for this sport. And we will have fun doing it. And we will foster good will toward all of our clubs and members.
So join us at our matches, whether you are new to this sport or are an experienced pro. We will do everything we can to make sure you have a good time, after all, we want you to come back for more matches!
Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
Helping to grow the shooting sports sharing of skills, processes, and knowledge
Offering challenging shooting opportunities
Sharing shooting skills and Knowledge
For Information about the GBA please contact the member Club nearest to you.
Please visit the Member Club section displayed in the header to locate clubs.
Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States